Browse through the book and scan a QR Code to play one of the complete albums!
These would make a great gift for fans of specific artists featured. They are formatted square to look like a vinyl album (albeit 8.5″ square rather than 12″), and each album is presented as a front and back cover in the book. So it feels like owning an album case with your favourite artist’s best albums. This book costs a lot less than the over £hundreds people would normally expect to pay for an artist’s 16 best albums, and comes with illustrations, descriptions and videos too.
How to get an Iconic Albums volume featuring your albums
Iconic Albums celebrate the best music of an artist, and it is possible to arrange for any qualifying* artist to have their own volume included very soon in this prestigious series, gaining new revenue from copies they sell, and additional (monetised) streams from readers of all copies.
* to qualify an artist needs a back-catalogue of at least 4 studio albums, would ideally contribute images and text, and would pre-order a number of copies of their own edition, to be delivered soon after publication.